Selected Publication List [updated February 2024]
Romano V, Puga-Gonzalez I, MacIntosh AJJ, Sueur C (Accepted) The role of social attraction and social avoidance in shaping modular networks. R Soc Open Sci
Kubenova B & MacIntosh AJJ (Accepted) Maternal rejection but not protectiveness predicts juvenile Japanese macaque behavior without direct maternal influence. Am J Primatol
MacIntosh AJJ, Shimada M (2023) Behavioral Immunity in Primates. In: Japanese Encyclopedia of Primatology, Maruzen (in Japanese)
Lee W, Hayakawa T, Kiyono M, Yamabata N, Enari H, Enari HS, Fujita S, Kawazoe T, Asai T, Oi T, Kondo T, Uno T, Seki K, Shimada M, Tsuji Y, Langgeng A, MacIntosh A, Suzuki K, Yamada K, Onishi K, Ueno M, Kubo K, Hanya G (2023) Diet-related factors strongly shaped the gut microbiota of Japanese macaques. Am J Primatol DOI: 10.1002/ajp.23555
Sarabian C, Wilkinson A, Sigaud M, Kano F, Tobajas J, Darmaillacq A-S, Kalema-Zikusoka G, Plotnik J, MacIntosh A (2023) Disgust in animals and the application of disease avoidance to wildlife management and conservation. J Anim Ecol DOI:10.1111/1365-2656.13903
Costa R, Romano V, Pereira AS, Hart JDA, MacIntosh A, Hayashi M (2022) Mountain gorillas benefit from social distancing too: Close proximity from tourists affects gorillas' sociality. Conserv Sci Pract DOI:
Beltzung B, Martinet L, MacIntosh A, Meyer X, Hosselet J, Pele M, & Sueur C (2023) To draw or not to draw: understanding the temporal organization of drawing behaviour using fractal analyses. Fractals DOI:
[PREPRINT] Arseneau-Robar TJ, Teichroeb JA, MacIntosh AJ, Saj TL, Glotfelty E, Lucci S, Sicotte P, Wikberg EC (2023) When population growth intensifies intergroup competition, female colobus monkeys free-ride less. BioRxiv DOI:
Cheron M, Kato A, Ropert-Coudert Y, Meyer X, MacIntosh AJJ, Raoelison L, Brischoux F (2022) Exposure, but not timing of exposure, to a sulfonylurea herbicide alters larval development and behaviour in an amphibian species. Aquat Toxicol DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2022.106355
Xu Z, MacIntosh AJJ, Castellano-Navarro A, Macanás-Martínez E, Suzumura T, Duboscq J (2022) Linking parasitism to network centrality and the impact of sampling bias in its interpretation. PeerJ 10:e14305 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.14305
Romano V, Lussiana A, Monteith K, MacIntosh AJJ, Vale P (2022) Host and pathogen drivers of infection-induced changes in social aggregation behavior. Biol Lett DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2022.0233
Castellano-Navarro A, Beltrán Francés V, Albiach-Serrano A, MacIntosh AJJ, Maulany RI, Ngakan PO, Liebl K, Amici F (2022) Maternal and offspring behavior in Japanese macaques and moor macaques: a comparative approach. Am J Primatol DOI:
Towle I, MacIntosh AJJ, Hirata K, Kubo MO, Loch C (2022) Atypical tooth wear found in fossil hominins also present in a Japanese macaque population. Am J Biol Anthropol DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.24500
Romano V, Sueur C, MacIntosh AJJ (2021) The trade-off between information and pathogen transmission in animal societies. Oikos DOI: 10.1111/oik.08290
Kavanagh E, Street SE, Angwela FO, ... MacIntosh A ... et al (2021) Dominance style is a key predictor of vocal use and evolution across nonhuman primates. R Soc Open Science DOI: 10.1098/rsos.210873
Morino L, Pasquaretta C, Sueur C, MacIntosh AJJ (2021) Communication network reflects social instability in a wild siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) population. Int J Primatol 42:618–639 DOI: 10.1007/s10764-021-00227-1
Cheron M, Raoelison L, Kato A, Ropert-Coudert Y, Meyer X, MacIntosh AJJ, Brischoux F (2021) Ontogenetic changes in activity, locomotion and behavioural complexity in tadpoles. Biol J Linnean Soc 134(1):165–176 DOI: 10.1093/biolinnean/blab077
Sarabian C, Belais R, MacIntosh AJJ (2021) Avoidance of contaminated food correlates with low protozoan infection in bonobos. Front Ecol Evol 9:651159 DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2021.651159
Frias L, Hasegawa H, Chua TH, Sipangkui S, Stark D, Salgado-Lyn M, Goossens B, Keuk K, Okamoto M, MacIntosh AJJ (2021) Parasite community structure in sympatric Bornean primates. Int J Parasitol 51(11):925-933 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2021.03.003
Castellano-Navarro A, Macanas-Martinez E, Xu Z, Guillen-Salazar F, MacIntosh AJJ, Amici F, Albiach-Serrano A (2021) Japanese Macaques’ (Macaca fuscata) sensitivity to human gaze and visual perspective in contexts of threat, cooperation, and competition. Sci Rep 11:5264
Gomez-Melara JL, Acosta-Naranjo R, MacIntosh AJJ, Maulany RI, Ngakan PO, Amici F (2021) Dominance style predicts differences in food retrieval strategies. Sci Rep 11:2726
Frias L, MacIntosh AJJ (2020) Global Diversity and Distribution of Soil-Transmitted Helminths in Monkeys. In: S Knauf & L Jones-Engel (eds) Neglected Diseases in Monkeys - From the Monkey-Human Interface to One Health. Springer Nature, pp. 291-322
Balasubramaniam KN, Sueur C, Huffman MA, MacIntosh AJJ (2020) Primate Infectious Disease Ecology: Insights and Future Directions at the Human-Macaque Interface. In: J-H Li et al. (eds) The Behavioral Ecology of the Tibetan Macaque. Springer, pp. 249-284
Amici F, Widdig A, MacIntosh AJJ, Beltrán Francés V, Castellano-Navarro A, Lopez Caicoya, Karimullah K, Maulany RI, Ngakan PO, Hamzah AS, Majolo B (2020) Dominance style only partially predicts differences in neophobia and social tolerance over food in four macaque species. Sci Rep 10:22069
Beltrán Francés V, Castellano-Navarro A, Maulany RI, Ngakan PO, MacIntosh AJJ, Llorente M, Amici F (2020) Play behavior in immature moor macaques (Macaca maura) and Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). Amer J Primatol 82(10):e23192.
Romano V, MacIntosh AJJ, Sueur C (2020) Stemming the flow: information, infection, and social evolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 35(10): 849-853.
Miyabe-Nishiwaki T, Miwa M, Konoike N, Kaneko A, Ishigami A, Natsume T, MacIntosh AJJ, Nakamura K (2020) Evaluation of anaesthetic and cardiorespiratory effects after intramuscular administration of alfaxalone alone, alfaxalone-ketamine and alfaxalone- butorphanol -medetomidine in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). J Med Primatol 49(6):291-299
Meyer X, MacIntosh AJJ, Chiaradia A, Kato A, Ramirez F, Sueur C, Ropert-Coudert Y (2020) Oceanic thermal structure mediates dive sequences in a foraging seabird. Ecol Evol 10:6610–6622
Sarabian C, Ngoubangoye B, MacIntosh AJJ (2020) Divergent strategies in faeces avoidance between two cercopithecoid primates. R Soc Open Sci 7: 191861.
Tasdemir D, MacIntosh AJJ, Stergiou P, Kaiser M, Mansour N, Bickle Q, Huffman MA (2020) Antiprotozoal and antihelminthic properties of plants ingested by wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui) in Yakushima Island. J Ethnopharmacol 247:112270
Hasegawa H, Frias L, Peter S, Hasan NH, Stark D, Salgado-Lyn M, Sipangkui S, Goossens B, Matsuura K, Okamoto M, MacIntosh AJJ (2020) First description of male worms of Enterobius (Colobenterobius) serratus (Nematoda: Oxyuridae), the pinworm parasite of proboscis monkeys. Zootaxa 4722(3):287–294
Duboscq J, Romano V, MacIntosh AJJ (2019) Social Behavior and Infectious Disease. In: J Choe (ed) Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, 2nd edition. Elsevier, pp. 790-800
Frias L, MacIntosh AJJ (2019) Threatened Hosts, Threatened Parasites? Parasite Diversity and Distribution in Red-Listed Primates. In: A Behie et al. (eds) Primate Research and Conservation in the Anthropocene. Cambridge University Press, pp. 141-164
Frias L, Stark DJ, Salgado Lynn M, Nathan S, Goossens B, Okamoto M, MacIntosh AJJ (2019) Molecular characterization of nodule worm in a community of Bornean primates. Ecology and Evolution 9:3937-3945
Poirotte C*, Sarabian C*, Ngoubangoye B, MacIntosh AJJ, Charpentier M (2019) Faecal avoidance differs across sexes but not with nematode infection-risk in mandrills. Anim Behav
Miyabe-Nishiwaki T, MacIntosh AJJ, Kaneko A, Morimoto M, Suzuki J, Akari H, Okamoto M (2019) Hematological and blood chemistry values in captive Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata fuscata). J Med Primatol 48:338–350
MacIntosh AJ, Frias L (2018) Parasites of gibbons. In: D Modry et al. (eds) Parasites of apes: an atlas of coproscopic diagnostics. Edition Chimaira, pp. 76–82
Frias L, Hasegawa H, Stark DJ, Salgado-Lynn M, Nathan KSS Senthilvel, Chua T, Goossens B, Okamoto M, MacIntosh AJJ (2018) A pinworm’s tale: the evolutionary history of Lemuricola (Protenterobius) nycticebi. Int J Parasitol: Parasites & Wildlife. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2018.11.009
Le Guen C, Kato A, Raymond B, Barbraud C, Beaulieu M, Bost, C-A, Delord K, MacIntosh AJJ, Meyer X, Raclot T, Sumner M, Takahashi A, Thiebot J-B, Ropert-Coudert Y (2018) Reproductive performance and foraging behaviour share a common sea-ice concentration optimum in Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae). Global Change Biol 24:5304–5317. DOI:10.1111/gcb.14377
Romano V, Shen M, Pansanel J, MacIntosh AJJ, Sueur C (2018) Social transmission in networks: global efficiency peaks with intermediate levels of modularity. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 72:154
Burgunder J, Petrzelkova KJ, Modry D, Kato A, MacIntosh AJJ (2018) Fractal measures in activity patterns: do gastrointestinal parasites affect the complexity of sheep behaviour? Appl Anim Behav Sci. DOI: 10.1016/j.applanim.2018.05.014
Sarabian C, Belais R, MacIntosh AJJ (2018) Feeding decisions under contamination risk in bonobos. Phil Trans B. DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2017.0195
Frias L, Stark DJ, Salgado Lynn M, Nathan SKSS, Goossens B, Okamoto M, MacIntosh AJJ (2018) Lurking in the dark: Cryptic Strongyloides in a Bornean slow loris. Int J Parasitol: Parasites & Wildlife. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2018.03.003
MacIntosh AJJ, Frias L (2017) “Coevolution of Hosts and Parasites”. In: A Fuentes et al. (eds) The International Encyclopedia of Primatology. Wiley
MacIntosh AJJ (2017) “Pathogen”. In: A Fuentes et al. (eds) The International Encyclopedia of Primatology. Wiley
Sarabian C, Ngoubangoye B, MacIntosh AJJ (2017) Avoidance of biological contaminants through sight, smell and touch in chimpanzees. R Soc Open Sci 4:170968.
Balasubramaniam KN, Beisner BA, Berman CM, De Marco A, Duboscq J, Koirala S, Majolo B, MacIntosh AJ, McFarland R, Molesti S, Ogawa H, Petit O, Schino G, Sosa S, Sueur C, Thierry B, de Waal FBM, and McCowan B (2017) The influence of phylogeny, social style, and sociodemographic factors on macaque social network structure. Am J Primatol DOI:10.1002/ajp.22727.
Duboscq J, Romano V, Sueur C, MacIntosh AJJ (2017) One step at a time in investigating relationships between self-directed behaviours and parasitological, social and environmental variables. R Soc Open Sci 4:170461
Meyer X, MacIntosh AJJ, Chiaradia A, Kato A, Mattern T, Sueur C, Ropert-Coudert Y (Accepted) Shallow divers, deep waters, and the rise of behavioural stochasticity. Marine Biology 164:149
Burgunder J, Hashiomto C, Modry D, Kalousova B, Petrzelkova K, MacIntosh AJJ (2017) Complexity in behavioural organisation and strongylid infection among wild chimpanzees. Animal Behaviour 129:257-268
Duboscq J, Romano V, Sueur C, MacIntosh AJJ (2016) Scratch that itch: revisiting links between self-directed behaviour and parasitological, social and environmental factors in a free-ranging primate. Royal Society Open Science 3:160571
Rigaill L, MacIntosh AJJ, Higham JP, Winters S, Shimizu K, Mouri K, Suzumura T, Furuichi T, Garcia C (2016) Testing for links between face color and age, dominance status, parity, weight, and intestinal nematode infection in a sample of female Japanese macaques. Primates 58:83-91
Duboscq J, Romano V, MacIntosh A, Sueur C (2016) Social information transmission in animals: Lessons from studies of diffusion. Frontiers in Psychology 7: 1147
Romano V, Duboscq J, Sueur C, MacIntosh AJJ (2016) Modelling infection transmission in primate networks to predict centrality-based risk. Am J Primatol 78:767–779
Duboscq J, Romano V, Sueur C, MacIntosh AJJ (2016) Network centrality and seasonality interact to predict lice load in a social primate. Sci Rep 6:22095
Sarabian C, MacIntosh AJJ (2015) Hygienic tendencies correlate with low geohelminth infection in free-ranging macaques. Biology Letters 11:20150757
MacIntosh AJJ (2015) At the edge of chaos – error tolerance and the maintenance of Levy statistics in animal movement: Comment on “Liberating Lévy walk research from the shackles of optimal foraging” by A.M. Reynolds. Physics of Life Reviews. doi:10.1016/j.plrev.2015.07.010
Reynolds AM, Ropert-Coudert Y, Kato A, Chiaradia A, MacIntosh AJJ (2015) A priority-based queuing process explanation for scale-free foraging behaviours. Animal Behaviour 108:67-71
Meyer X*, MacIntosh AJJ*, Kato A, Chiaradia A, Ropert-Coudert Y (2015) Hydrodynamic handicaps and organizational complexity in the foraging behavior 2 of two free-ranging penguin species. Animal Biotelemetry 3:25
Rigaill LR, MacIntosh AJJ, Higham JP, Winters S, Shimizu K, Mouri K, Furuichi T, Garcia C (2015) Multimodal advertisement of pregnancy in free-ranging female Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). PLoS ONE 10(8): e0135127
Ropert-Coudert Y, Kato A, Meyer X, Pellé M, MacIntosh AJJ, Angelier F, Chastel O, Widmann M, Arthur B, Raymond B, Raclot T (2015) A complete breeding failure in an Adélie penguin colony correlates with unusual, extreme environmental events. Ecography 38:111-113
Pasquaretta C, Levé M, Claidière N, van de Waal E, Whiten A, MacIntosh AJJ, Pelé M, Borgeaud C, Brosnan S, Crofoot M, Fedigan L, Fichtel C, Hopper L, Mareno MC, Petit O, Schnoell AV, di Sorrentino EP, Thierry B, Tiddi B, Sueur C (2014) Social networks in primates: smart and tolerant species have more efficient networks. Scientific Reports 4:7600
MacIntosh AJJ (2014) The fractal primate: interdisciplinary science and the math behind the monkey. Primate Research 30:95-119
MacIntosh AJJ (2014) Ecology and epidemiology of nematode infection in Japanese macaques: building an empirical model. Primate Research 30:23-51
Cottin M*, MacIntosh AJJ*, Kato A, Takahashi A, Debin M, Raclot T, Ropert-Coudert Y (2014) Corticosterone administration leads to a transient alteration of foraging behaviour and complexity in a diving seabird. Marine Ecology Progress Series 496:249-262
MacIntosh AJJ*, Pelletier L*, Chiaradia A, Kato A, Ropert-Coudert Y (2013) Temporal fractals in seabird foraging behaviour: diving through the scales of time. Scientific Reports 3:1884
Sueur C, MacIntosh AJJ, Jacobs AT, Watanabe K, Petit O (2013) Predicting leadership using nutrient requirements and dominance rank of group members. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67:457-470
MacIntosh AJJ, Jacobs A, Garcia C, Shimizu K, Mouri K, Huffman MA, Hernandez AD (2012) Monkeys in the middle: parasite transmission through the social network of a wild primate. PLoS one 7:e51144
MacIntosh AJJ, Huffman MA, Nishiwaki K, Nishiwaki-Miyabe T (2012) Urological screening of wild Japanese macaques: trends in nutrition and health. International Journal of Primatology 33:460-478
Huffman MA, MacIntosh AJJ (2012) Plant-food diet of the Arashiyama Japanese macaques and its potential medicinal value. In: Leca J-B, Huffman MA, Vasey P (eds) The Monkeys of Stormy Mountain: 60 Years of Primatological Research on the Japanese Macaques of Arashiyama. Cambridge University Press, pp. 356–432
MacIntosh AJJ, Alados CL, Huffman MA (2011) Fractal analysis of behaviour in a wild primate: behavioural complexity in health and disease. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 8:1497-1509
MacIntosh AJJ, Hernandez AD, Huffman MA (2010) Host age, sex, and reproductive seasonality affect nematode parasitism in wild Japanese macaques. Primates 51:353-364
MacIntosh AJJ, Huffman MA (2010) Towards understanding the role of diet in host-parasite interactions: the case for Japanese macaques. In: Nakagawa N, Nakamichi M, Sugiura H (eds) The Japanese macaques. Springer, pp. 323–344
Hernandez AD, MacIntosh AJJ, Huffman MA (2009) Primate parasite ecology: patterns and predictions from an on-going study of Japanese macaques. In: Huffman MA, Chapman CA (eds) Primate parasite ecology: the dynamics of host-parasite relationships. Cambridge University Press, pp. 387–401
MacIntosh AJJ, Sicotte P (2009) Vigilance in ursine black and white colobus monkeys (Colobus vellerosus): an examination of the effects of conspecific threat and predation. American Journal of Primatology 71:919-927
Sicotte P, MacIntosh AJ (2004) Inter-group encounters and male incursions in Colobus vellerosus in Central Ghana. Behaviour 141(5):533-553